Category: Business

Procedural Posture

By Sublaid

Appellant insured sought review of a judgment rendered by appellee Superior Court of Los Angeles County (California) that sustained without…

Procedural Posture

By Sublaid

Appellant employee sought review of a decision of the Superior Court of Ventura County (California), which dismissed his action against…


By Sublaid

HOLDINGS: [1]-The district court properly dismissed the putative class action for lack of Article III standing because plaintiff had not…

Procedural Posture

By Sublaid

Plaintiff investor brought the instant securities action against defendant investment bank. The bank moved to dismiss the action as barred…

Procedural Posture

By Sublaid

This certified consumer class action challenged hundreds of millions of dollars in overdraft fees imposed on depositors of defendant bank…

Procedural Posture

By Sublaid

Plaintiff borrowers brought an action against defendants, a lender and a successor, alleging violations of state and federal law and…